Poet J. Ivy Was on The Pulse With Stormy

J. Ivy told me about how difficult it was growing up without his father. The affects of his father not being there and how he forgave his father. He also shares why it was so important for him and others to forgive. 

J. Ivy is an Award Winning Poet who has received the NAACP Image Award for his work on the last approved Muhammad Ali documentary where he served as a writer and an on camera narrator.

 He was also commissioned to write and perform poetry for Michael Jordan & The Jordan Brand National Poet Laureate & Ambassador of The Ernie Barnes Foundation.

 He is also the proclaimed favorite Poet of both Celebrity comedian Dave Chappelle, Talib Kweli & World Rebound Spiritual Guide Deepak Chopra.

 He is the New National Youth Spokesperson for AARP.

 J. Ivy is an award winning author of the book Dear Father HE is 3x HBO Def Poet.

J. Ivy has been featured in Grammy Award Winning albums!

Known for his work w/ Kanye West, Jay-Z, Slum Village, & John Legend to name a few. As heard on Oprah & Also MY Favorite Fact About this award winning poet and author is this little known detail. 

Did you know the singer John Stephens was named John Legend by the Poet J. IVY?

*****He recites his poem Dear Father at the end of the show. He is so talented. Check it out.

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