Stan Bell is no stranger to the Mid-south area. He communicates on and off the air. He has become one of Memphis' most energetic & beloved radio personalities for twenty-nine years now!

Stan is also a Shelby County Schools Careers and Technology instructor. He currently teaches Broadcasting @ Wooddale High. He began his teaching profession at Northside High, (his alma mater), where he taught English and Applied Economics. Stan has been teaching with the District since 1993.

Stan is a native Memphian---a product of Memphis City Schools, attending Hyde Park Elementary, Vollentine, Snowden, Cypress and Northside High.

He received his undergraduate degree in Mass Communication from UT-Martin. He received his Masters and Ed.S. degree(s) from Union University in Jackson, TN. Stan is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., and he is also professionally involved with Kappa Delta Pi---an international honors organization for educators. Stan is a past receipient of the Distinguished Role Model of the Year Award, presented by MABSE (Memphis Alliance of Black School Educators).

He is a member of St. John Baptist Church-Vance Avenue. Professor Nat D. Williams, (the first black radio announcer in America), was his Sunday School teacher. Radio greats, Rufus Thomas, Herb "the K" Kneeland, Bill Adkins, CJ Morgan, Bobby O'Jay, Melvin Jones, Pam Wells and Jimmy Smith, are some of Stan's mentors.

Stan credits his father, Jessie Bell, as being a role model. Stan's mother, Joye T. Bell, a retired MCS educator, was instrumental in his choosing education as a profession. He is also the grandson of the late Prof.E.A.Teague, a former administrator with Manassas High School.

Stan is truly a family man, with a loving wife, Carla. He is also the proud father of three brilliant and handsome sons---Matthew, Myles, and Micah, affectionately known as the "baby bell-ringers".



